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- 范洪义,范洪义.Radiating frequency of three-loop mesoscopic LC circuit with mutual inductance obtained by IEO method.CHINESE PHYSICS B,2018,27(8):
- Generating function of product of bivariate Hermite polynomials and their applications in studying quantum optical states.CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015,24(5):
- 范洪义,范洪义.A new kind of special function and its application.CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015,24(10):
- On the core of the fractional Fourier transform and its role in composing complex fractional Fourier transformations and Fresnel transformations.FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS,2015,10(1):1-6.
- Binomial theorems related to two-variable Hermite polynomials and its application in quantum optics.ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2014,63(11):
- 范洪义.Supersymmetry of the solution to the master equation between two-level atom and laser channel.ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2016,65(3):
- 范洪义.Thermo-vacuum state in a negative binomial optical field and its application.ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2015,64(19):
- New Two-Mode Canonical Operator Realization of Angular Momentum and Generalized Fractional Fourier Transformation Obtained via Entangled State Representation.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS,2014,53(8):2827-2835.
- A theorem for quantum operator correspondence to the solution of the Helmholtz equation.CHINESE PHYSICS B,2014,23(11):
- Quantum mechanics mixed state representation.ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2014,63(19):
- Photon-added chaotic field and its damping in a thermo enviroment.CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,2015,93(4):456-459.
- On the entangled fractional squeezing transformation.FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS,2015,10(2):187-191.